Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Copyright (C) 2018 Simon Kallfass

Provides the functions used for visual output for the user inside the

import inspect
import sys

CYAN = '\033[0;94m'
"""str: Color cyan used for visual output for the user."""
GREEN = '\033[1;92m'
"""str: Color green used for visual output for the user."""
RED = '\033[1;91m'
"""str: Color red used for visual output for the user."""
NCOLOR = '\033[0m'
"""str: Resets the color used for visual output for the user."""
BOLD = '\033[1;37m'
"""str: Bold-style used for visual output for the user."""

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def info(msg=None): """ Generates output in defined info-style for the user. Parameters ---------- msg: str (default=None) Message to output for the user in info-style. """ tool = inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe(), 2)[1][3] toolstr = f' {tool.upper()} '.rjust(22, ' ') if not msg: msg = '' print(f' {BOLD}\u2139{NCOLOR}{CYAN}{toolstr}{NCOLOR}{msg}')
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def error(msg=None): """ Generates output in defined error-style for the user. Parameters ---------- msg: str (default=None) Message to output for the user in info-style. """ tool = inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe(), 2)[1][3] toolstr = f' {tool.upper()} '.rjust(22, ' ') if not msg: msg = '' print(f' {RED}E{NCOLOR}{CYAN}{toolstr}{NCOLOR}{msg}')
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def finished(msg=None): """ Generates output in defined finished-style for the user. Parameters ---------- msg: str (default=None) Message to output for the user in info-style. """ tool = inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe(), 2)[1][3] toolstr = f' {tool.upper()} '.rjust(22, ' ') if not msg: msg = '' print(f' {GREEN}\u2714{NCOLOR}{CYAN}{toolstr}{NCOLOR}{msg}')
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def critical(msg=None): """ Generates output in defined critical-style for the user. Stops the pproject-script with sys.exit(1). Parameters ---------- msg: str (default=None) Message to output for the user in info-style. Before existing. """ tool = inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe(), 2)[1][3] toolstr = f' {tool.upper()} '.rjust(22, ' ') if not msg: msg = '' print(f' {RED}\u2718{NCOLOR}{CYAN}{toolstr}{NCOLOR}{msg}') sys.exit(1)

© Copyright 2018, Simon Kallfass.


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